
LateX tips

Generating random numbers in LateX The following code will generate a random number within a range for each compilation 1 2 3 4 5 \pgfmathsetseed{\number\pdfrandomseed} \newcommand{\thecmd}[2]{ \pgfmathsetmacro{\thenum}{int(random(#1,#2))} \thenum } Using ttfamily with bfseries in a listing Default font doesn’t implement bold style: 1 2 3 4 \renewcommand{\ttdefault}{pcr} \begin{lstlisting}[basicstyle=\ttfamily\bfseries] y:=2 \end{lstlisting} Makefile to compile a LateX project 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 ## Here is a simple Makefile for a basic LaTeX flow with a bibliography ## make help: ## print this menu ## make all: ## compile the stuff ## make clean: ## remove temporary files ## make clean_pdf: ## remove the output PDF file ## make clean_all: ## remove EVERYTHING # Variables FILENAME=mainfile BIBNAME=mainfile help: @grep -e "^##" Makefile; all: pdflatex ${FILENAME}.

Marp to PDF

Here is a way to convert Marp slides in PDF with emojis: 1 npx @marp-team/marp-cli main.md -o output.pdf --allow-local-files https://github.com/marp-team/marp-cli nodejs must be installed

Memory alignment

This note was inspired by a work of Samuele Giraudo (LIGM, Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée) http://igm.univ-mlv.fr/~giraudo/Enseignements/ Memory alignment https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_structure_alignment Memory alignment of a given data is the way this data is organized in the memory. For instance, an array of n elements of type T is organized as a continuous array of sizeof(T) * n bytes. How does memory alignment work for variables of a structured type? Let’s find out 😊

My first topology

Mainly based on an official tutorial (link). A Google Drive with several Cisco IOS: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/102jxZ9ECpe6ZFtXYdK_81iEVuuFoGOGR. In this tutorial, the c7200 is used. You may not have the same interfaces in another case. Topology creation Take two c7200 routers and add them to the schematic by a “drag and drop”. We can see our two routers: Use the link icon in order to… …link them. In this case, we connect the FastEthernet0/0 interfaces of the routers.


The goal was to get a single-board computer able to execute Gnuradio tools quite smoothly with various SDR devices (USB dongles, HackRF, USRP development boards). Unfortunately, the RaspberryPi family (both PiB+ and Pi2) did not met such requirements due to a lack of throughput in the USB controller. This tutorial introduces another solution based on a Chinese alternative called OrangePi [1]. For the operating system, Debian Jessie (8.2 version) is used: https://www.

Register windows in SPARC

128 registers available in SPARC. Each window is divided in 3 areas: 8 input registers (i0-i7) 8 local registers (l0-l7) 8 output registers (o0-07) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 input // Function F1 local output input // Save instruction (F2 called in F1) local output input // Save instruction (F3 called in F2) local output As you can see, each time a function is called in another, the registers window “slides”: by the way, output registers of $F_n$ are equal to input registers of $F_{n+1}$.